Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Germany it is in fact one of the very few American sports which is loved and enjoyed by a huge crowd in that country.
Basketball attracts almost all citizens may it be a men or a women. It is in fact appears more appealing to younger generations. The teens who are very much into basketball are the one which are aspiring to become professional basketball players in the future.
Basketball is known almost everywhere. Do you want to know who is the reason that there is such a sport called basketball? Here is a brief history of the origin of basketball. Basketball is a game invented by an American Teacher named Dr. James Naismith in year 1891 to have something to do during winter. The game was first played in gymnasium with two peach baskets, one soccer ball and 13 rules.
The game caught the hearts of sport lovers and soon it became very popular around the world.

The Germany’s achievements in basketball started when they decided to participate in competitions especially in the international ones. They had formed the German national basketball team which they made to represents the country in outside competitions.
They had been struggling in competing with other countries but still they had managed to win some medals. Germany’s achievement which is considered the most victorious was when they had won the first place in a EuroBasket competition in year 1993 in which the country was the host for the said season. Twelve years after they had successfully entered again in the finals of the Eurobasket competition and they had won the silver medal in 2005.
Aside from the Eurobasket competitions they had also participated in the FIBA world championships since the early years of 1950. They had never entered in the finals until year 2002 held in USA where they had able to win bronze medal. Germany’s achievements in the FIBA competition is quiet low in the years that they compete for the world championship they always end up being eliminated in the first few rounds.
They only got ranks in some of the seasons of the game: 1986-16th place, 1994- 12th place, 2006-8th place and 2010-17th place.
In Summer Olympics the team has not yet received any medal but they had placed fair enough in the competition. Here are some of their achieved ranks in the Summer Olympics: 1972-12th place, 1984-8th place, 1992-7th place and in 2010-10th place. Germany’s achievements in the Eurobasket, FIBA and Summer Olympics are not that good compared to other countries, they are usually not considered a threat in international competitions but they do excel in their own country.
In the Summer Cup they had only placed first once in year 2004 which was held in Germany, Bamberg. Though they had only won the first place once they never ranked lower than the fifth place by this it only shows that the national team did good in their country.