The highlight films for basketball, regardless of the level of play or where it is these dynamic slams are from, are filled with one certain play during the games.
The slam dunk is the king of all basketball plays and highlight reels anywhere in the world. For starters the game of basketball is played with two groups and 10 players in an organized game with the goal being literally to put the ball in your own hoop. The best way and the most certain way of doing this is through a basketball play referred to as the slam dunk.
Chocolate Thunder from Down Under
You have probably seen this on television or maybe even have been lucky enough to have seen it in person but hopefully not face-to-face with the posturized action of you being slammed-on and with hundreds of witnesses! Ouch!
Do not be too-concerned if you were the victim of a slam dunk and that was your man to cover and it cost the game as it happens to the best of us, trust me on that!

Nevertheless the pain of being stamped as they call it in Memphis and NYC as you know it was exciting to see that player sky way above the rim and slam the ball down with authority even though it was on you!
No Money No Shame
It doesn’t matter at all since you were not getting-paid to play the game anyways and if this was not even a high school real game or a collegiate game all it cost you was a bit of your ego! That you can recover from with a great defensive play the next time.
It’s ok and like we said it happens to the best defenders in the game on a daily basis. What it did give you was a very personal and live-action viewing of one of the most popular and exciting plays in all of basketball, the slam dunk.
With that said today we are going to look at some of the best slam dunks ever and maybe some that you have never heard of but have made the greatest list of many slam dunk profiles for decades and even longer.
Dr. J and MJ
No slam dunk post would be complete without mentioning two players that altered the play that is a slam dunk and change the way entire offensive schemes are run.
The first is Dr. J or other wise known as Julius Erving of the Philadelphia 76ers and the Milwaukee Bucks as well as the Colonels of the defunct ABA league. Dr. J. to this day has some of the best slam dunk highlight reels ever seen on celluloid and presently on the Internet.
One that comes to mind is with the trademark red white and blue ball during his days with the Kentucky Colonels of the ABA when he would start off from the top of the key and not the free-throw line and glide toward the basket like some sort of magnificent Statue of Liberty slamming the ball down with thunderous appeal and much to the delight of every fan in the stadium or coliseum.
After Dr. J. the other basketball star that changed the course of the slam dunk play and the way teams run offenses and defenses to defend against these highflying slam dunk artists is Michael Jordan. Hailing from the Tar Heel State of North Carolina this star to be of the NBA blossomed in his junior and senior years of college ball and was drafted number one by the Chicago Bulls.
Many best slam dunk ever highlight reels have Michael Jordan in their mix and sometimes no one else! Maybe one day you can join the list of those who make the best slam dunks ever list and be among those named with Michael Jordan and Dr. J. when it comes to throwing it down with ultimate authority.