Choosing the right basketball dimensions: A basketball is subjected to a lot of force. It is constantly dribbled, passed and shot throughout practices and games.
Ensuring optimum dimensions is important so that the players are able to handle and control the ball properly.
Basketball dimensions include the proper size, dimension and weight. There is no standard size for everyone at all times. In fact, the dimensions change depending on the age of the players and the level of competition.
For example, many times younger players use a regulation size high school ball. Now, this ball is just too large and heavy for these players. They find it difficult to handle, control or shoot the ball properly. Moreover, these players often shoot on a ten inch basket. This is simply too high for them.

The combined effect of a heavy ball and a basket that is too high is that these players’ practice gets affected. They are not able to steadily improve their skill level.
Following are the appropriate dimensions for three categories of players. These have been decided based on the level of competition for each of the categories. Everyone, including parents, coaches and basketball players can use these dimensions as guidelines for choosing the correct size.
Apart from the size, it is also important to ensure that the basketball is inflated to the correct pressure for right bounce. When a ball is dropped from a height of six feet, it should bounce up between 49 to 54 inches.
The dimensions for high school boys. These include varsity, junior varsity and junior high levels. They should use a ball having a circumference of 29 to 30 inches and weight of 20 to 22 ounces.
The dimensions for high school girls. These include varsity, junior varsity and junior high levels. They should use a ball having a circumference of 28.5 to 29 inches and weight of 18 to 20 ounces.
Basketball dimensions for Youth league- Boys and girlsChildren between the ages of 8 and 12 will usually use a regulation size girl’s basketball. Younger players can use a smaller ball. As mentioned earlier, they should use a ball having a circumference of 28.5 to 29 inches and weight of 18 to 20 ounces.
Selecting the right dimensions is crucial to the players’ ability to control, handle and shoot the ball. This in turn will determine as to how well they are able to progressively improve their skills.